This page contains a variety of links I have found about research into pornography and its effects on people and wider society in the context of censorship. It is intended as a quick reference of material I’ve stumbled across, and nothing more.
- What is pornography?
- Libertus – Censorship in Australia
- List of studies
- Sex and Society Paper
- Follow up Sex and Society Paper
- Pornography & Public Acceptance
- Virtual Nation: The Internet In Australia
- Inverse link between access to pornography and rape
- News article on rape and the internet
- Homosexuality & Child Molestation
- Female pedophiles
- The Porn Myth
- Negligible Effect Of Pornography
- A Feminist Overview Of Pornography
- Feminists For Free Expression
- Porn Up, Rape Down
- Predator Panic
- Children become adults
- Greta Christina video lecture on secular sexual ethics
- Ten things wrong with Media ‘Effects’ model
- Pornography & Sex Crime
- Child pornography as propaganda
- More delete-don’t-block commentary
- Take down analysis of child abuse images versus other illegal material
- Objectification in context
- Beneficial effect from pornography?
- The Freakonomics of smut
- Misuse of dopamine
- Evidence-based Masturbation