Group Assignments

I’m doing a masters degree at the Australian National University. I hate group assignments. 80% of the group doesn’t contribute. There is an over-eager team leader, who annoys everyone, and the subject matter isn’t brilliant. It’s a pain.

Categorised as Life


I can’t say I understand the whole LOLCATS thing, but these LOLPOLS are brilliant.

Categorised as Politics

iPod Touch

I decided to treat myself to a new iPod recently. The iPod Touch is a blow your mind product. I am extremely happy with it, but there are a few things that could make it the most amazing product released this year. (Well, the iPhone might be better, but it isn’t available in Australia easily).My… Continue reading iPod Touch

Categorised as General

Australian Election 2007

I live the Federal electorate of Fraser. Bob McMullan is virtually guaranteed to retain this seat. I don’t have a problem with McMullan, and think he’s a reasonable performer. Although the ACT is under represented. Fraser had 116,527 people on the roll in 2004, and Solomon in the Northern Territory had only 53,873 people. You… Continue reading Australian Election 2007

Categorised as Politics

On Death

Our pet Budgie just died two weeks ago. I was holding him in my hand when he gave up. He seemed to have some kind of cancer, as he had at least two tumours; one on his leg, and one his chest. He didn’t appear to be in much pain, but did pick at the… Continue reading On Death

Categorised as Life